Important Note: The following are supporting materials for long-form classes that I am currently teaching or have taught in the past. These are meant to be helpful for review after a series of in-person classes, and are not meant in any way to be stand-alone study material nor taken out of context.
Course Outline and Syllabus (Parsons Spring 2020, 15 week course)
Required Reading
Theory of Type Design by Gerard Unger
Counterpunch Excerpt by Fred Smeijers
Glyphs Demo for Parsons Spring 2020 class - Week 2
Week 3, lecture on optical compensation and glyphs Q&A from class
Glyphs Tutorial & QA
Recommended Reading
Counterpunch by Fred Smeijers
How to Create Typefaces: from Sketch to Screen by Cristóbal Henestrosa, Laura Meseguer, José Scaglione
A Useful Guide to Bad Type by Erik Van Blokland
Recommended Glyphs App Tutorials
Spacing & Kerning Resources
The Letter Proof by Hannes Famira
Adhesiontext tool by Miguel Sousa
Text for Proofing Fonts by Jonathan Hoefler
Spacing Tests by Dan Rhatigan
Kern King by Leslie Cabarga
Galvanized Jets by Samarskaya & Partners
Kerning Pairs by Andre Fuchs
Type-X by Arrow Type
Inspirational Resources
Variable Fonts Resources
What Should I do After the Semester?
Get Feedback via Type Crit Crew
Typographics (NYC, USA)
TypeCon (USA)
ATypI (International)
Alphabettes - commentary by women in type
Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton
History of the Western European Alphabet by Judy Ross
Multiscriptual Typesetting by Beatriz Lozano
‘How to Kill a Writing System’ related links by Zachary Scheuren
On Type Classifications by Indra Kupferschmid
Bézier Curves and Type Design by Fábio Duarte Martins