Important Note: The following are supporting materials for long-form classes that I am currently teaching or have taught in the past. These are meant to be helpful for review after a series of in-person classes, and are not meant in any way to be stand-alone study material nor taken out of context.
Week 1
Lecture: Brief History & Modularity of Letterforms
Exercise: Carolingian calligraphy – Part 1
Assignment: Practice letters learned during class
Week 2
Lecture: Optical Adjustments
Exercise: Carolingian calligraphy – Part 2
Assignment: Carolingian Calligraphy Practice using either n-chains (nanbncndnengn...nynzn) or Pangrams (suggested list)
Week 3
Exercise: Using Various Calligraphy Tools (balsa wood, pipe cleaners, folded pens, etc)
Assignment: Creating words using techniques learned in class
Week 4
Lecture: Historical Overview of Calligraphy Styles, Modularity of Letterform Systems & Inspirational Resources in NYC
Exercise: Sketching Techniques to mimic Translation/Expansion model + TypeCooker
Assignment: Bringing in a self-initiated sketch (with TypeCooker-style receipe attached!), bringing in a typographical reference that will serve as the starting point for next week
Week 5
Demo: Extracting the basic structure from an existing typeface/lettering piece
Demo: changing one or two Parameters (e.g. one of width/height/serifs)
Exercise: Starting with a typeface as your model, sketch a word with changed parameters from your inspirational model
Assignment: Finishing in-class exercise
Week 6
Exercise 1: TypeCooker Exercises based on homework(s)
Exercise 2: Refining one of the typecooker sketches
Assignment: Finishing in-class exercise
Week 7 (Online, transition due to COVID-19)
Lecture: Iterating a Hand-Lettering Piece, Letterform Digitization & Inspirational References
Demo: Pen Point Plotting with Adobe Illustrator
Assignment: Finishing in-class exercise, thinking about final project ideas
Week 8 (Online)
Lecture: History & Anatomy of Flourishing
Assignment: Progress in sketching final project ideas
Week 9 (Online)
Lecture: History of Latin Letterforms: Part 1
Assignment: Finishing final project
Week 10 (Online)
Lecture: History of Latin Letterforms: Part 2 Final Presentations
Post - Class
Lecture: History of Latin Letterforms: Part 3 (bonus lecture!)
Online gallery (TBD)
Counterpunch (Excerpt) by Fred Smeijers
The Golden Secrets of Lettering by Martina Flor
In Progress by Jessica Hische
Alphabettes - commentary by women in type
Bézier Curves and Type Design by Fábio Duarte Martins